Monday, May 31, 2010

Pampers vs. Huggies

Ok, so I know most of you have already heard my rant on this issue but I'm going to blog about it anyway because who knows? There may be other moms out there who feel the same way I do. A week ago today we had just gotten home from Halifax where we were hanging out with our friends from Ontario and I notice we only have one diaper left. I send Adam to the store to pick up some more expecting him to come back with a box of Pampers because we're a Pampers family (not because I have anything against Huggies but simply because we had started out buying Pampers when Mya was born and just kept on buying them.) I was surprised to see he had come back with a box of Huggies and asked him howcome he bought those instead of our usual brand. He said that Walmart was having a sale on Pampers and they were therefore sold out but since we still only had one diaper left he had to get the next brand available. Made sense.

My relationship with Huggies started out on a good note. They seemed to fit well and I had fallen in love with the little elastic piece on the back which kept them from sagging. I thought it was such an ingenious invention that I contemplated emailing Pampers to tell them that they should start putting them on all of their diapers because Pampers tend to sag once Mya starts filling them up. That was where the relationship died. That night we went about our normal bedtime routine: bath, jammies, stories, milk, and rock-a-baby before bed. I thought everything was bliss until 5am when Mya woke up crying, which was kind of unusual since she doesn't do that/hasn't done that in a really long time. I go in to see what the matter could be and discover that her and everything in the crib is soaked. In pee. Yay. After I change her pajamas and the sheet and the diaper and her blanket I go back to bed thinking "that was weird...that's never happened before."
Fast forward to the next night: same thing. The next night: same thing. The next night: same thing. It started to dawn on me that maybe it was those diapers she was wearing (I know what you're thinking, 'doesn't that seem like the obvious answer?' but at 5am when you're tired, your brain doesn't function properly). She had also started leaking throughout the day as well and by the fourth night that was the last straw! Out we went to buy some good ol' Pampers, but when we got to the store we found they were no longer on sale. That was ok by me! I grabbed a box as quick as I could and threw it in the back of my cart. I had never been so happy to be in possession of diapers! Now that Mya's wearing her old favorites, she's dry all night long and sleeping until 7-8am and that means I am too. Happy baby= happy mama. Even though Pampers tends to have a pretty good sag about them, I would much rather deal with a saggy diaper than a crying, wet baby at 5am every single night!

Now I'm considering emailing Huggies to let them know of my dissatisfaction with their product and CC'ing Pampers on it. It seems like you're either a hardcore fan of one team or the other. I was complaining about this to my friend Heidi one day and she said she was a die hard Huggies lover. She said anything that comes in the house that's Pampers brand gets sent right back to the store to be switched. I just don't understand this! How can they work so crappily for me yet so awesome for someone else? Am I not putting them on right? I thought they were all a pretty straight forward design...

Anyways, we've stocked the change table now with the good stuff and we're happy people again.

Now I've gotta go start my email to Huggies!

Which brand do you moms out there prefer?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Long time no blog!

I'm sorry to all my blog followers for being such a bad blogger and not blogging since mother's day but I had a good reason! We had company come to visit us from Ontario and we were showing them the beautiful province of Nova Scotia. I think it worked too cause now they want to move here and I mean, who wouldn't? Nova Scotia kicks ass! They decided it would be easiest to rent an RV and drive here because they were bringing the whole fam and when I say RV...I mean, RV! I can't believe you can rent these things and not have to have a special license to drive one!

We showed them around Digby and Annapolis Royal and they got to go whale watching in Lunenburg and see Peggy's Cove before we met up with them again in Halifax for some more adventures. While in Digby, I took them somwhere that is native to NS: Frenchy's! They now heart Frenchy's and want to email Guy to tell him to hook them up with one in Ontario. Once we hit Halifax, Adam took them to the Keith's Brewery for a tour and I was so impressed to hear that Jason actually knew the words to Barrett's Privateers! I had burned a CD of NS music awhile ago and sent it to them telling them that it was required listening before the trip...clearly, Jason was the only one who did his homework because Kelly didn't know the words!

Then we were off to the Clay Cafe where the kids painted a plate to take back for Grampa and Wendy. Kelly thought that place was kick ass too and gave her information to the owner so he could email her info on franchising. We were lucky and were hit with some beaaa-u-tiful weather while we were in Halifax. On the second day, it felt like 33 with the humidex! If that's what it feels like in May then I think I'm going to be screwed for July/August....ugh. The Swanson-Fox's didn't complain though! Ontario gets to sweltering temps in summer and they had been freezing the whole time they were here even though it was super super nice!!

One night we had supper at Nana's house and she had cooked us up some bbq'd ribs! They were sooo yummy! Josh, Sophie and Mya all thought so! We gave Mya a piece and she ate it just like a Flintstone and cleaned it off really well! I was rather impressed cause she out did me...

We took a walk through the Public Gardens while we were in Halifax because well, the gardens are just too pretty not to walk through and the kids really got a kick out of the geese. Mya likes now that she can get out of the stroller and stretch her legs and walk around.

It was a good vacation and I hope they had fun but it was sad when it was time to see them go. I think Mya is really going to miss having the kids around to play with! Hopefully we'll get to see them again soon and we can take a trip out there this summer to spend some time in their neck of the woods!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

For mother's day I was given a weekend away in Halifax to spend time with my one and only: Suzanne! I got to shop, eat, get a mani/pedi and shower whenever I wanted to without worrying about nap schedules, crying babies, bedtime routines, etc. It was BLISS! I thoroughly enjoyed my girl time and felt very happy that it was suggested. Although, it made me want to do it more often than once a year on mother's day. I went up on Friday after Adam got home from school and we rented a movie and chatted until late drinking was oh so wonderful but I think I could've done without that last glass of wine. On Saturday morning we got mani/pedi's and shopped and grabbed some lunch before I hopped over to catch a coffee with a newly engaged friend and to catch up! After that we did some more shopping and then went home to watch the movie we never got to watch the night before cause we talked too much. I Talk too much? Never! Then we crashed and when I woke up it was time to come back home so I could spend the real mother's day with my little fam.

As much fun as it was to get away and have fun on my own, I really missed miss mya and Adam. I had never been away from the bebe for a whole night before and that weekend I was away for two! She seemed happy to see me when I got home, and it made me happy to see that maybe she missed me a little bit too. Adam asked if I wanted my mother's day present when I got home and said it was in her room. I asked why it was in her room and he said that it was kind of a present for both me and her. So, I opened the door and saw that he had made her a growth chart! I had been wanting a nice one for a long time, a wooden one that we could remove from the wall and take with us when we move and he made one! I was so impressed! Mostly because my husband isn't the handiest of husbands and I wouldn't have expected him to make one, but he did. And I was touched by the thoughtfulness. I think it turned out awesome too!

He even marked Mya's height when she was a year old! husband ever. Especially because he was willing to walk around town with the stroller rigged up looking like this after he left the hardware store:

Poor guy had no choice because I had the car, but he couldn't have felt he looked too stupid because once he left the hardware store he walked to the grocery store to buy some much needed chips and pop! I bet a few heads turned while he walked through the store....! Ah well, it was all well intended and I love him for it. I hope all the other mother's out there had a wonderful day too!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We all scream for ice cream!

Tonight after supper we went for a walk to get some ice cream for dessert. Mya had never had ice cream before and I thought it was going to be a hit from the first bite but when I put the cone in her hand and pushed the ice cream towards her lips, she made this awful face like I had just stuck a lemon in there. So, I gave her another taste and she made the face again. I wish I had gotten a picture of it! By the third lick she was hooked and gobbled the whole thing down.

First ice cream

Halfway through and not stopping!

Ahh...all done!

Looks like it was good!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Summer butt

Mya is getting older and wanting to explore more, so outside she goes to play in the front yard with her dad
and that results in summer butt because of the millions of dandelions that cover our front lawn.

No worries though. They're play pants so I don't really care if the yellow comes out or not. After playing outside they thought it might be a good idea to come in and clean their clubs to get them ready for the next day's golf outing.

She did such a good job, she cleaned the pants right off of her. Now before I leave you, I just want to share one more picture that was taken while we were outside.

When I saw it, it reminded me of a similar pic we took when she was just 5 months old.

To me she looks exactly the same, only she has more teeth and hair now. Too bad that hat doesn't fit her anymore.