Mya seems to have finally adjusted to the new time zone and has resumed her usual schedule which i am soooo thankful for because waking up at 4am for the day wasnt my idea of fun...or adam's.
We found somewhere to live in digby for sept 1st which is a weight lifted off our shoulders but we still have to pick up a few things in the furniture department. Thanks to our wonderful parents, though, we have almost everything we need. It seems like we're gonna be living in the new place for such a short period of time but then i think about all the new things mya is going to learn (ie. walking, eating solids, sitting up on her own) and it blows my mind.
Alright! i promise i'll try to be more on top of blogging and facebooking now that things have died down a bit, but for now im off to eat supper.
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