It was like I was standing on the edge of the Earth! The next day I paid the price though. My feet didn't hurt. My legs didn't hurt. My back didn't hurt. But my hips were making my walk like an old lady. Every step hurt! I started to wonder if that's what arthritis felt like. I put some heat on it last night before bed and it helped when I woke up this morning. I'm not back to normal yet but hopefully I will be soon.
The next day was spent baking and cooking and I rocked it! I had already made the bread and apple pear pie and froze it so it just needed to thaw. That left the turkey and the pumpkin pies. I had never made a turkey before so Nana helped out but the pies were all mine. It was quite the spread in the end: mashed potatoes, roasted squash, homemade bread, homemade stuffing, turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy and homemade pies for dessert. Needless to say I ate enough calories to kill a horse.
Before bird
After bird
Thanksgiving family pic
We ended the night with some fuzzy jammies and a bedtime story
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