Friday, April 9, 2010

Pretty bathroom

This week we decided we needed to buy a few things for our bathroom for our company that's coming in May. This included a new shower curtain (bye bye Christmas shower curtain!), a new bath mat and some new towels. With only 2 adults who live and shower here we were able to get by with four bath towels (6 really, but the other 2 sucked and never got used) but with extra people staying with us we thought that four towels probably wouldn't cut it. Let me just start by saying how much I love a good towel. Especially when it's right out of the dryer....! New towels are always the softest too.

The bathroom doesn't look as good as I would like it to but I guess that's the price you pay when you're renting and you aren't allowed to paint. We went with a white shower curtain with a waffle pattern (is that right?) on it because we thought white would be easy to match to other colors and also because Walmart had ugly patterns on their other fabric curtains (and because I tend to see a sample of the pattern and think it looks nice until I get it home and put up and then I hate it). We bought some fluffy, soft towels in blue, green and white and a complementing green bath mat (also soft and fluffy). The picture doesn't do it justice but trust me, it does actually look better than it did before. Hopefully our guests think it looks ok too!


Suz said...

It looks very very pretty and I really like the colors you guys picked out. And just think, you just have to wait another 6 months to get Santa Claus out again!