Friday, March 29, 2013

Dying For Fun

Yesterday me and Mya dyed Easter eggs and Adam documented it for us. Henry wanted in but he was too little this year. Maybe next year he'll be allowed. I think at first she was a little bummed because I may have made the mistake of saying we were going to "paint the eggs" when I meant "dye the eggs" and she didn't understand why there was no paint involved.

On another note, today is Good Friday and it is so nice outside that we're going to get out and enjoy some sunshine on a walking trail. It's going to be 7 degrees this afternoon! That sounds more like a Great Friday to me. (Sorry, bad joke. I wanted to put it on my facebook but I was worried everyone would defriend me.)

On to the pictures! (Oh, and the first ones are from yesterday when Mya came home from preschool with the bunny ears she had made. Her socks are mismatched on purpose too. They make for better hopping, didn't you know?)